I hope you’ve enjoyed this experience.

Music, words, brush strokes, emotions…
everything that makes us feel human.

Stay safe, stay hungry!


About me

Ages ago, my wish was to become an a jewellery designer, an artist. But life kinda decided differently. Translator Dutch-English-Portuguese by degree, I rolled into marketing for American multinationals in the medical field. I now own my own “design boutique agency”, so creative concepts - with an artful twist - are my natural habitat.

Thinking out of the box, creative anarchist, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan… Guilty as charged. But the simple truth is that I cannot control this mind | heart of mine. Nor do I wish to. It takes me to magical places where logical thinking is just a distant fata morgana. I pour my inner thoughts into my paintings, everything is connected.

I like experimenting with many techniques, layers, textures, feeling the different structures. I feel strongly about being able to touch art, to experience it, our eyes are but the first (and most obvious) touchpoint.

These are just a couple of the questions to go through my head when I create: “Will I get to that ‘magical’ result that I aspire? Will it touch people the way I want it to? Do I care, in the end? Or do I only need to please myself? “

I’ve finally decided that it is ‘Stop Pleasing & Start Living’.
I hope that you enjoy being part of my creative journey…

Follow me on Instagram for a sneak peek into my latest art pieces. It also gives you an insight into the ‘making of’…


Kristel Van Rode Art

d’ Overschielaan 32
1850 Grimbergen

PS: If you want to visit the studio or see a painting for real before purchasing, drop me a note, and we can fix an appointment for a visit :-).