“Trust the process”
I create stories with each series of paintings, a bit like writing a book. Because stories are what we remember best, just like scents, music moments and the memories they trigger, the way a person made you feel, the taste of home-cooked food, … It’s the little things that make the difference.
Each series is set up like a short story, with enough room for interpretation so you can make them your own.
Because experiencing art is partially what the artists intend you to see and feel, but also partially how you as a spectator interact with it.
The first series is all about connecting with the past, the second series is about forgiving myself for the stories I told myself, the third one is about exploring my core.
Painting for me is all about discovering who I am and what I want. Seasoned by life, but with a strong heart that will always believe.
“Modus Operandi”
I start with a storyline that I want to put out there. At this point it’s still an amorphous idea.
Then I research.. I find bits and pieces (mostly images/ textures/ songs) that serve as an inspiration and that build the storyline.
Puzzle pieces are put together - not only on paper or canvas, but in a 360° approach.
I use different techniques for each series, but I will always hide ‘little golems’ inside the paintings.
These represent our fears, our insecurities, our scars, our protection mechanisms.
Storytelling through pigments, music pieces & words.
Dream it.
Conceptualize, test, explore textures, techniques…
Work it.
Best advice I ever got from my teacher. Alternate study with experiments, keeps the joy in painting.